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How does one gauge the ethical health of a community? Beneath the surface of apparent communal harmony often lies a stark reality of injustice, largely unnoticed except by those it affects directly. In Tennessee, recent legislation exemplifying this disconnect has brought the plight of marginalized communities into sharp relief. Notably, a 2021 law criminalizing homelessness by prohibiting camping on public property has cast thousands into even greater peril, illustrating a disturbing trend toward penalizing poverty rather than addressing its root causes.


This site has been deployed after employing a See-Judge-Act framework of practical theology to analyze these legislative measures critically.  As homelessness increases, so too do the punitive measures against it, raising profound ethical questions about the role of Christian communities in advocating for social justice.


By incorporating voices often sidelined (not just the “unhoused” but others living in the margins of society)  into legislative discussions, this site delves into the lived experiences of those directly impacted by these laws. It aims to foster a deeper understanding of justice that transcends mere legal compliance, advocating for policies that uphold the inherent dignity of every individual as a cornerstone of Christian faith and practice.

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Join the Movement is aspiring to become a vital platform where your time, talents, and passion can contribute to our mission. We aim to establish a movement dedicated to defending rights, promoting justice, and fostering an inclusive community. Your future participation is crucial—join us in our vision, and let’s aspire together to make a real difference.  Please consider utilizing your gifts and skills as a D-DOT.  (Dignity Defender of Tennessee).

Community Focused

Empowering the Community

Our vision is to nurture a community where justice and mercy translate into action. Rooted in the biblical call to love our neighbor, we are laying the groundwork to actively engage in the fight against economic, racial, and ecological injustices. Our commitment is to bring the margins to the center, aspiring to ensure that every voice contributes to our collective pursuit of a just society.

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We intend to partner with local organizations, churches, and social justice leaders to amplify our impact and create a strong social fabric based on mutual support, shared resources, and common goals. These future partnerships will be the lifeblood of our mission, weaving together efforts for a more equitable world.


Why We Aspire to Do: Advocacy and Engagement

We are aspiring to engage in advocacy as our expression of faith in the public square. Our future campaigns will aim to champion the cause of the marginalized and stand against discriminatory practices, fueled by a fervent belief in the restorative power of justice. We are committed to inspiring and equipping individuals and communities to advocate for the common good.

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What We Hope This Willl Look Like: A Vision for Information and Empowerment

In the future, aspires to serve as a comprehensive repository for proposed and current legislative materials throughout Tennessee—laws that shape the lives of the marginalized, including the poor, unhoused, immigrants, and those facing prejudice and discrimination due to race, religion, or sexual orientation. Our Legislative Summary page is envisioned as a dynamic resource, regularly updated through diligent research and valuable contributions from our users. We aim to facilitate active engagement by providing essential contact information for advocacy campaigns against unjust legislation, supplemented by insightful blog articles that spark conversation and drive change. Looking ahead, we anticipate developing a user/member forum, creating an interactive space where community voices can convene, share, and mobilize for justice.



Our outreach initiatives extend a hand of support and solidarity to those on the fringes. By fostering an environment of inclusion and understanding, we strive to build bridges within our community, connecting needs with resources and suffering with hope.

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